Pro Series Triple Rigging KitFeatures:Mesh Bag100 yd spool LP 400lb Blue Outrigger Mono6 1 ¼” black stops, 6 release clips2 Tigress Triple Locking Halyards2 SS Teaser RingsCrimps and Snap Lock...
Pro Series Center Rigging KitFeatures:Mesh Bag50yd spool LP 400LB Blue Outrigger Mono1 1 ¼” black stop1 release clip1 Tigress Single Locking HalyardCrimps and Snap Lock Swivels
Kite Rigging Kit2 Clips2 Wind-On Swivels1 Coastlock SwivelTigress has put together the most comprehensive line of kite fishingproducts available to the sportfishing industry.
Ultimate Rigging Kit - 400lb Black MonoFor double rigging your outriggers - for riggers up to 22'Features:200' of 400lb Black Mono2 Pairs of EZ release clips2 Pairs of 1-3/4" cork stopsPair of...
Ultimate Rigging Kit - Black NylonFor double rigging your outriggers - for riggers up to 22'Features:200' of Black Nylon Braid2 Pairs of EZ release clips2 Pairs of 1-3/4" cork stopsPair of double...
Deluxe Rigging Kit - Black NylonFor single rigged riggers up to 20'Features:100' of Black Nylon BraidPair of high impact release clipsPair of 1-1/4" cork stopsPair of glass ring snubbersPair of eye...